Tuesday, October 30, 2012


There really is a jungle of skins in SL and you will always find some goodies hidden in the corners...here is a lovely skin from Jesylily ..the skin is pale and the clevage is vell done... even the makeup and  eyebrows makes the avatar have its own style- ME likes! "limitedbazaar"

Jesylily has a few events.. there is a few on going now..such as  photocontests and "find the pumkin"
                                   15sept-20oct... votes will be counted the 19th oct
Go visit the store its very cute and cozy.. i enjoyed wander around there AND its skins for men here to.
you will find more than that..she has nice  creation of younger skins...there is eyes selections
HAHAHA must mention she  has this awsome corner she call it  "TrashStuff of JesyLilo" and i can tell its not trash its funny  good things like dresses skins sandals necklaces tattos & art
                                               AND ALL this for 10-50 lindens
                         Run and shop!!! url is linked to the side of my blog in supporter tab
                                                         <3 ZAN

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