Sunday, December 23, 2012

                              I Strongly recomend furnitures by Tia Biscuit
Up above the pictures shows [Tia] War Strategy Table  which is very nice. her creations is very good  to match your home into rp , goes very good in medevial and gorean style...all from workstations til bathtubes and lounging. have a look at her  site at marketplace link here
or you can visit her in-world-store at Primus lands.... DONT miss to peek in at the other stores there...
im not done with Tias creations, the unique  about her makings is that they are LOW PRIMS and awsome meshy^^  , normally you get limited prims for use on your homes in the lands you live, she been smart enough to help us with this. ..even better is that she keeps popping up new aswomly things  GO TIA! <3
here is a link to Primus land  

Hair: Burley Bajka
Top: Maitreya Xarra Tunic 
Pants: SKE Design-Cat Black-
Boots: ::SP:: [Black Boots]    i love thoose mesh boots in many colors, take a visit at Cloeys store you will find many goodies  in-world-store----->
Tatto: lips=  Belleza Lily lipstick , warpaint--random one on marketplace woot woot,  eyelinesr is from pekka

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