Tuesday, December 25, 2012

You definately need to take a visit at *OAL*...On a Lark. they been my  favourite store for years and She delivers with good outfits and its constantly something new going on... she has many beautiful furnitures and roleplay thingys as well.. the outfit im wearing is only one part of the outfit, this is the name of it "*OAL* Hung Dress Avg ~ Black"

skins.....skins ... baaah...skins... really i bought so many skins i could probably look like the Hulk if i mix them together..i love to buy them but i have hard to switch... i have test a few skins out at the Glam store and i am very surpriced to the better i actually start to admire it a bit^^

will add a song that fits the pic....never been a westlife fan  really but i got this on my mind

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