Tuesday, January 28, 2014


 Alright! geeeeez this month ha been busy, I must admit I been a little stressed trying as good as I can to put up the most I can of the gacha plus plus, even my pc decided to crash and delete all i had;( loosing more days of planning and work of thoose smoochie things. I really hope hope you all pay a visit to the gacha this round three. 
In this post I manage to get in some 25L tuesday from OAL & Teriotrope as well of course some gachas:)

[Teri] Athena Dress (25L tuesday) STORE
*OAL* Adair Cuffs ~ Gold , They are soooo goood!!!!! (25 L tuesday) STORE

New hair from redmint its suuuupaaa sweet
(r)M Hair No.16'14 ~ Brown Amber STORE

Enchantment Event is starting at the 1st of Feb
where you will find this lovely headpiece
.Enfant Terrible. Forest flowers black/dark flowers
Enfant Mainstore STORE

& for the gachas peeps we have thoose two items
I really fell in love with this collar, you can choose to have it cosmetic or scripted
made by Trippy Fall
!! SW !! Da Buzz Collar Tarnished scripted ULTRA RARE (FGC round3)
Silk Worms mainstore STORE
Then we have thoose cool poseballs, choose to either wear it to animate you or to rezz a pose, they are magical
. Infiniti . Keeper (FGC round3)
mainstore STORE

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