Wednesday, March 26, 2014

All of Me

I adore this belt-Skirt from "the Library" & Necklace. It is now up at this round Genre for a very good price
in various colors
~The Library~ Galatea-Gold

Face tatto [Thistle Do] Palm Streak - White @MP

Body tatto -UtopiaH- Ink Deer Frozen Tattoo

Kalopsia - Red Riding Hood - Wolf Mask

Hair- little bones. Corner Cafe

So WOW I just love thoose keys weapon that I wear on my leg
it has such funny animations in it and yeah I just LOVE it!
At the 6th April - 30th April The Secret Affair will be open
where this awsome pretty lil thing will be up
Primus Targaryen Key Set 5.5 (platinum) (ultra rare) 
Landmark will come soon^^

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