Sunday, March 23, 2014


 once in a while I come to a point where i get what I call " skinfrustrated " so on the road again I found it pretty nice to have the Skin fair open at my little moment. You really should go check the 3 sim´s out

Ok next on board we have an awsome event to come
"The Secret Affair"
the theme is The Game of Thrones inspired
Thank´s To Creative Manna Stoneshield who have worked hard to gather the puzzle with a lovely crew of Designers
The event Starts 6th of april & will be hold the doors open to the 30th of April 2014
here you can make a sneakpeak to their webpage, Landmark will come up any day so stay tuned

Soooooooooooooo I start to show up this lovely headpiece made by Aymee Monk
who is Designer for Keystone
[Keystone] Wildlings Crowns - Y'zi - ULTRA RARE ( @ The Secret Affair soon)
while you wait, she has many lovely things at her mainstore To Mainstore

Peqe - Slits Skirt PEQE

:FANATIK: Knuckle Duster Gothic ring Gold Light Mainstore

Baubles! by Phe Strapped Mainstore

*LpD* - *Amelie* Top Pink LpD

:.::Hot Stuff::.: Pantyhose white Mainstore

.:GSpot:. Pussywillow waist belt w. branches

Magika [Hair] Sudden Mainstore Magika

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