Saturday, March 15, 2014

Criminally Coy

On Criminally Coy:

I just love this sexy piece of a slave cloth made by Trippy Fall @ Silk Worms
!! SW !! Hipster Camisk 
Also at the lands she shares with Triad Fallen there is an event ongoing right now! 

.:GSpot:. Fashun Cuffs black gold l wrist

-UtopiaH- My Double Garter Stocking [Crosses] Whore Couture 3

.::Dead Dollz:.. Frozen - Arabica Stole Dead Dollz

RO - FAMOUS Ring - Black  RO

[Keystone]  Bru'ella - Copper / Common / Keystone

*May's Soul* Lion Shield gold wood Mays Soul

. Liquence . - F3 in Natural Fades Liquence

[Forge] Steel Collar  EZ weaponary

- Chary - Legend 1 c h a r y

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