Sunday, March 30, 2014

Dont need Reasons

"The Secret Affair" is soon opening 6th-30th of April
it does for sure offers items over the standard, with so many good designers
One who will participate is Thord Karu Owner of Primus weapons
This cool blade and Shield is one of the teaser
Primus Seven Kingdoms Sword @ The Secret Affair
Primus Westeros Shield  @ The Secret Affair

Discovering Destiny owner of On a Lark have made thoose amazing armors, the legpad, shoulderpad and bracers I am wearing, this version has a nice hud where you can change the layers to it
& will be up to "The Secret Affair" event
*OAL* Dragon Bracers 
*OAL* Gardenia Crown

The pretty dragon on my shoulder will be up at "The Secret Affair"
Designer Manuel Ormidale
22769 ~ [accessories] Shoulder Dragon 
Landmark for the event will be up soon
& its gonna start 6th April 12 slt

 the muses . Rainha . Mail suit . Black . Shirt mainstore

RS Bree Tunic -Rigged Mesh- RS mainstore

ISON - moto leather pants (black) 1 ISON

{D.A} Sinistre Eyes - Pink Shades Edition
 {D.A} Sinistre - Sombre Day

little bones. Corner Cafe - Blondes Little Bones



Imogen Jie said...

Oooh love those armors. Great post grandbb. xoxo

Helena Andersson said...

Ty lovely<3