Monday, March 24, 2014


Creative Khavi Zifane has made this cool dress I am wearing holding the strong color to suit my sweety dragon 
+ KHAVI + Livia gown black

& moooore from the Event to come here in a sneak peak "The Secret Affair"
first we have the designer Pucca Firecasters Claw bracer and shoulder pad
PFC~Dragon Slayer - Pauldron (gold)
PFC~Dragon Slayer - Claw

AZOURY - Necklace - Sansa ( Black) Rare (" The Secret Affair")

.{yumyums}. Baby Draegon {Hornwood} (" The Secret Affair")

 *Dura-Girl*41(Black) DURA

+Nuuna+ Ina Black ( @ Skinfair)

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