Friday, April 25, 2014

Scurvy Swaggon

He is mine only for sexytimes <3  ;)
Jesusheist is wearing this:

Hat - Noodles -  Wertherio RedHeadband

headband2 - RO - Atlantis Headband - Ahoy! Black

hair -  Dura-Boy 32 Black

piecrings - .Pekka. Canion Unisex Piercing Black Cute / Poison - Ova

mask - DRD wildings furr hat mask

eyes - {Dead Apples} Twinkle Eyes - Deep

necklace - -DRD-  targaryen claw necklace

chest - (Ro) Tharkun Fur Cloak

belts - -DRD- GOT Wolf belt / (Ro) Tharkun Belt

gloves - DRD - malesleeves fabricdarkgrey blood

tattoo - -UtopiaH- Disturbed Tribal Tattoo / ::: B@R ::: Pirate Emperor Tattoo Undershirt

pants - (Ro) The Black Hound Pants / [Pumpkin] Skintight pants (black)

boots - J's Studded Long boots (Black)

weapons - [EZ] Drake's Cutlass (Gold) / [Melee] Stormbringer Sword

shield -  [SG] GoC Shield: The Wolf EPIC

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