Sunday, September 7, 2014


Time runs fast and soon we are up for yet an other round of
The Secret Affair 
Event Creator Manna Stoneshield
Theese lovely pauldrons will be up on the event, created by Designer Pucca Firecaster , owner of PFC (Pucca Firecaster Creation)
comes with a Hud that have some nice options;)
PFC~Raven Pauldron
Soon @ "The Secret Affair"

AZOURY - Hair Clip RAVEN - (Wings Black)
AZOURY - Melancholy Bouquet of Flowers
Designer Mayhem Seetan &  Aniki Seetan owners of AZOURY , original mesh
Soon @ "The Secret Affair"

Exile::Dancing on my own - natural fusion

*OAL* Gem Bracers
has this nice hud as well
Designer Discovering Destiny owner of On A Lark *OAL*
 monthly event

UNA Misae Black
(the top-necklace-eardetail)
Designer Una Daxter , owner of UNA

erratic / valena - gladiator sandals / black
(using flat slink feets)
awsome sandals with pretty details

Gawk! Black Cotton Tights

FATEplay Cloak - Kollo - Midnight

MONS / MESH - Septum Ring

"No Guts

No Glory"

<3 Zan

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