Monday, January 27, 2014


 Only some day left to the doors open at FGC
Today me and Infinite finally made some time ot take some pic´s, if you wanna know what this sexy swag is wearing you need to click this link to his blog^^

The collar I am wearing is absolutely awsome! Its made by my friend and favourite designer Adira Spingflower
Its a very pretty add for many tops and dresses, even for slave outfit as well, makes it a bit royality touch in it
It´s a MUST have <3333333
~The Library~ Skadi Headdress Fire (FGC round3)
Enfant Terrible. Staff Roses ULTRA RARE (FGC round3)
{RW} Briarthorn Bra - Barked (FGC round3)

 .Enfant Terrible. Wayfarers sandals

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