Sunday, January 19, 2014


First I just wanna give all of love to my quite new friend who I got very close to, and who introduced/invited me for this <3 Adira Spingflower V Teriotrope
& OMG I just love thoose earmuff´s I can understand you all get tired of our babbling about this amaing event, course its gonna rock all time
the Designers made a VERY good job!

The fawx on my arm and the queens on my both sides are from Aii
they are freaking awsome, so perfect for all who wanna live in a fairytail or just be cool like that^^
but until the event has open I can only hand the mainstore landmark
The 1st feb, our fancy gacha rolling starts

Gorgeous dress from FallenDream Incs,

The next pretty designs I am wearing is a few things from my favourite store 
The fancy Tie in my hair, necklace, THE ROCKING shoulder furs & the lovely Boots that goes along with Slinkfeets <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

.:FD:. Ice Princess (med) Ultra Rare (FGC Round3)
+ Queen Dark Pixie + {aii} RARE (FGC Round3)
+ Queen Moon Pixie + {aii} RARE (FGC Round3)
+ Fawx Muse + {aii} RARE- (FGC Round3)
[Teri] Earmuffs "Family Tree" Rare (FGC Round3)

[The Forge] Colure Ring. ( has an awsome hud with it)
.Enfant Terrible. Vintage Girl beige ( on shoulders)
.Enfant Terrible. Lotties darling necklace rose
.Enfant Terrible. Lotties eyecatcher rose
.Enfant Terrible. Wayfarers sandals Grey/Silver
Slink Female Feet (AvEnhance) 
booN WMO003 hair blonde
.Pekka. Missy Chest piercings [Gold]


Imogen Jie said...

OMG! Those earmuffs are gorgeous. I can't wait til the event opens...I'm going to be broke. :(

Helena Andersson said...

I knooooow and you should see the rest on they are amazing! Adira have put some hard work to get this resultat<3