Monday, March 24, 2014


I recived a pretty groupgift today from Taketomi / Burley ( groups name " Burley Republic "), the lovely long fairytale hair
comes with a cool hud, plus I love Taketomi´s hairs
& this one is just perfect for roleplay involved people

The Secret Affair is just about to soon get started, 6th-30th April
on this pic I am wearing a lovely necklace and a arm bracer from Pucca Firecaster Design / PFC
as the event isnt open yet you will have to wait for the link for LM but a handy LM for her mainstore is right here
 PFC~Dragon Slayer - Necklace ( @ The Secret Affair soon)
PFC~Dragon Slayer - Bracer (gold)  ( @ The Secret Affair soon)

*May's Soul" Goblin pauldrons
*May's Soul" Goblin protector
=Kio= Rising Head Band -  Crow

 *LpD* - *Tune* Dress Pink Mainstore LpD

Thank you all for the lovely feedback, it really warms me


Imogen Jie said...

OMG I love this. That hair is insanely long lol.

Helena Andersson said...

Yes the hair is so cool, really in a fairytale;)